Cast on 80 stitches and join in the round.
The rib is the set up for the main pattern, as follows:
If you need to use a marker, put it at the join.
R1 P2, Ktbl 4, P1, K2, P3, K2, P1, Ktbl 4, P1 four times.
R2-4 As row 1.
R5 P2, C2 front, P1, K2, P3, K2, P1, C2 back, p1 four times.
R6-8 As row 1
Repeat rib section once more.
Start main chart. The “special” stitch is just a knit through back loop.
written instructions below:
R1 P2, ktbl 4, P1, YO, SSK, K3, K2tog, YO, P1, ktbl 4, P1 Rpt 3 more times
R2 P2, ktbl 4, P1, K7, P1, ktbl 4, P1 Rpt 3 more times
R3 P2, ktb l4, P1, K1, YO, SSK, K1, K2tog, YO, K1, P1, ktbl 4, P1 Rpt 3 more times
R4 Rpt R2
R5 P2, C2F, P1, K2, YO, [Sl2 K1 psso], YO, K2, P1, C2B, P1 Rpt 3 more times
R6-8 Rpt R2
Continue in pattern until the leg measures 6” ending with Row 4.
Set up for foot
From marker, P2, slip 2 stiches to cable needle & hold at front of work. Knit the first stitch on needle & cable needle together & repeat for the 2nd cable stitch – 2 stitches decreased. P1, K2, YO, [sl2 k1 psso] YO, K2, P1, repeat the cable decrease this time holding the cable needle to the back, 2 stitches decreased, P1. Then work 3 repeats as per R5 without doing the cable decreases. You should reach the marker.
Next row - knit 8, knit 2 tog, knit 16, turn. Sl 1, purl 35, turn. These 36 stitches are the heel flap.
Heel Flap
Work heel flap in sl 1 k1 on right side, p all stitches on wrong side until it measures 2.25”.
Turn heel – sl 1, k 17, ssk, k1. Turn. Sl 1, p5, p2tog, p1, turn. Sl1, k 6 ssk, k1. Continue in this fashion until there are no stitches left.
Pick up stitches along side of heel flap. Continue front of foot in pattern – you should be at row 6. Pick up stitches up the side of the heel flap and knit across bottom of heel.
Next row knit to 3 stitches before front of foot k2tog, knit front of foot in pattern, knit 1, ssk.
Next round knit bottom of foot plain, keeping top of foot in pattern.
Continue decreasing until there are 34 stitches for bottom of foot. Continue until sock is 2 inches shorter than required.
Because the top of the foot is 39 stitches, and the bottom is 34, you will need to decrease 5 stitches on the top of the foot. Do this using the cable decrease above for 4 of the stitches on 2 of the cables. For the other stitch, do one too few toe decreases on the first toe decrease round.
Decrease for toe and finish it off with kitchener stitch.
This pattern is definitely going to the top of the "to knit" list. Thank you so much!
I am just starting these socks, and row 5 of the rib, I believe, has an error. It reads, "P2, C2 front, P1, K2, P3, K2, P1, C2 back, p1 four times" This leaves 8 sts unknit, and doesn't match the cabling on the leg. I think the C2 front and C2 back should be C4 front and C4 back, respectively.
I'm excited to see how these turn out--the sample is lovely!
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